Announcement of Winter Holiday Dates
Announcement of Summer Holiday Dates
Announcement of Winter Holiday Dates
Announcement of Summer Holiday Dates
Announcement of Winter Holiday Dates
Why choosing Electrolytic Polishing (EP)? Why choosing Nissho Astec for EP services? – We have updated the detailed content about “Electrolytic Polishing (EP)”
GOLD EP / GOLD EP WHITE – “Metal surface processing with a stronger passivation film that suppresses metal elution and provides excellent corrosion resistance” article has been updated.
A Chinese page has been added to the website of VINA ASTEC, a local subsidiary in Vietnam.
Our subsidiary in Vietnam – VINA ASTEC CO.,LTD.’s Homepage renewal announcement
New article has been added: “Acquiring new welding technology – Fiber Laser Welding”
“VINA ASTEC’s 10-year history” article has been posted. This fall will mark the 10th anniversary of our factory in Vietnam.
Update information of our local company in Taiwan – RI-ZHANG ASTEC.
Our homepage has been renewed.
Our English website was launched.